Saturday, April 14, 2007

A mid-nights pondering

As I was lying sleepless in bed last night there was only enough light for me to see two things – the back of my wife’s head and the window. So I laid in bed staring at the window. The blinds were drawn because of the irritating flashes of the street light on the corner and the moon was casting a shadow upon them. The shadow resembled a duck holding a baseball bat. As outrageous as this seems, at two in the morning it can be quite a source of entertaining thoughts.

Eventually my mind came to think about the image of the tree that was actually the figure of the shadow. The shadow was distorted because of the obstruction (my house) standing where it was suppose to fall, and as such was not giving a true representation of the tree and was not pointing the light source as shadows naturally do. To me, the tree’s shadow resembled something completely different and ridiculous. I began wondering what it looks like when people look at my shadow. Certainly as Christ, the Light, is at work in me, there must be some type of shadow cast. Does it resemble what Christ is transforming me into or is it something absurd?

I would hope we all cast the shadow that points to the Light.

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